The Meaning of Love is Discovered

All over the world, more and more people are intrigued by love, while many loath its power. Yet love makes the world go ’round…
Is love a real thing out there or is it the case of how people signify their experience?
Mark Anthony & Cleopatra: True Love or Banal Craving?

Love is a perplexing phenomenon. Explore our posts on friendship, romantic love, erotic love, divine love, real love, and true love.
With more clarity, your future will be brighter.
Rev. & Mrs. Sun Myung Moon: True Love or Divine Order?

St. Augustine’s writings on love are extremely influential in Western Culture.
Luckily, modern creatives – from Shakespeare to Jane Austen to Simone de Beauvoir to Jacques Lacan to Esther Perel – have contributed vital insights.
Jane Austen: True Love or Pragmatic Choices?

Love transforms and interweaves people’s lives; some love begets new life, while disappointed love leaves broken hearts behind.
Be curious, and learn about love and loving.
Psyche & Cupid: True Love or Unquenching Desire?
Love has temporal dimensions.
“Romantic love is when it wants to last forever, erotic love is when it delights in the moments, real love is when and while it lasts, true love is after it has endured the ups and downs of life.”

TrueLove.Singles will soon offer self-paced online courses on
The ABCs of LOVE