Here’s The ONE Meant For You

Romantic love is understood by many as the proverbial search for the One, the perfect soul mate, or — as the nineteenth-century ideal would describe — as the immortal beloved. The quest involves the idea of creating a union and becoming instead of remaining two conjoined ‘I’s. The two romantic lovers are not all together (more…)

A Theory of Love to Discuss

Do we know what love is? What are our assumptions? Can we know what love is? And even if we do, can we then also find the right words to discuss it with others, that is to explain our expectations during modern courtship? The word love alone is failing us as all words are just (more…)

What is Love – ♥ Here’s What To Know ♥

“What is love?” is an often asked question. Yet, the meaning of love cannot be captured in a few simple sentences because the word ‘love’ does not have a single, fixed meaning. The sense or meaning of a word, especially that of love, is determined by its use in its language. What is Love | (more…)