Love’s not a Child’s Play

Why are so many people suspicious of love, saying that love is unsafe, even so they secretly desire love and fantasize about it? I mean, who does not get hooked somehow on these dramatic love stories that Hollywood brought to the big screen? Yes, love is not a child’s play as Shakespeare and countless other (more…)

Modern Courtship Is the Future

In these days of ‘modern romance,’ of swiping and promiscuous dating and breakups, we need modern courtship as an alternative that does not undermine singles’ well-being and, instead, protects their integrity. Sure, modern romance can be a kind of courtship ending in a lasting relationship, but for too many, uncommitted romance is a continuum, with (more…)

What is Love – ♥ Here’s What To Know ♥

“What is love?” is an often asked question. Yet, the meaning of love cannot be captured in a few simple sentences because the word ‘love’ does not have a single, fixed meaning. The sense or meaning of a word, especially that of love, is determined by its use in its language. What is Love | (more…)