Bibliography of Love I highly recommend these publications about love. Have perused and/or read them all. Existentialism and Romantic Love by Skye C Cleary – Paperback ~$60 In Praise of Love by Alain Badiou – Paperback ~$13 The Philosophy of (Erotic) Love by Robert C. Solomon & Kathleen M. Higgins – Paperback ~$20 Dialogue on the Infinity (more…)

Love and Domestic Violence

Some love can lead to domestic violence. If it does, it perhaps wasn’t real love but likely romantic or erotic love, or perhaps unrequited or unbalanced love. What is romantic love? An inherently unstable love, experienced often in the early stages of the encounter between two people. The two want to be together, but they (more…)

The Experience of Meaning in Life

When two singles encounter each other and fairly consider their prospects together as a loving couple, they surely will be thinking and talking about the meaning of love and life. A romantic lover may not, impulsive as he or she may be, before perhaps coming around to real love. A lot of people turn religious, (more…)

Love Needs Reinventing

When 19th-century French poet Rimbaud famously said that love needs reinventing, he may have spoken a truism, but within a questionable context — in my opinion. Perhaps it is true that it isn’t just love that binds so many families and married couples. But it does not follow that love is not. Apparently, Rimbaud was (more…)

Hobbes & Schopenhauer versus Hume & Moon

Needless to say, there have always been ‘movers and shakers’ in the world — great storytellers — and always will be. I know one of them, at least a bit: the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Being personally touched by most any saint or sage, any leader of some sort, that is any genius, thinker, (more…)

Relationships Are A Tricky Balancing Act

Look around you and you’ll find boring as well as thrilling conjugal relationships among couples, and anything in between. What is it that you are looking for in your love life? All relationships are a balancing act, so take your chances. Regardless, even a “nearly perfect” loving relationship really is a living, a delicate joint (more…)

Here’s The ONE Meant For You

Romantic love is understood by many as the proverbial search for the One, the perfect soul mate, or — as the nineteenth-century ideal would describe — as the immortal beloved. The quest involves the idea of creating a union and becoming instead of remaining two conjoined ‘I’s. The two romantic lovers are not all together (more…)

A Theory of Love to Discuss

Do we know what love is? What are our assumptions? Can we know what love is? And even if we do, can we then also find the right words to discuss it with others, that is to explain our expectations during modern courtship? The word love alone is failing us as all words are just (more…)

What is the Meaning of True Love

“Love, especially true love, makes life worth living.” Would you agree? Is that a good short-form for the meaning of true love? If nobody loves you, if nobody ever loved you, if nobody will ever love you, if you never loved and if you cannot or never will love — then what is the significance (more…)