Thoughts come and go, seemingly random. We do not know where they come from and why. They disappear quickly into nothingness, it seems. We do not bother much to remember them.

Few thoughts are continuous or connected via logic, usually no more than three of five. Then another short train of thought emerges, occupying our attention for a moment, and disappearing. Few of us can develop and hold a train of thoughts for longer than a few minutes. But if so, that then could be called thinking. There would be little continuity in our thinking were it not prompted by a project — as in writing a post like this.
Humans are oppressed by their thoughts, to the point of being even frightened. We own our thoughts but seem to have no control over them. What is their intent? Thoughts make us feel uncertain, isolated, and lonely. We need to get them out of our minds.
Is that why we socialize with others? We seek stimulation and respond to others, even jerks. Interaction provides for the agitation that keeps our mind in a reasonable state, in an orderly state where thoughts are organized. Taking a choice in response to others gives us the feeling of freedom, of control after all.
Humans have thoughts, animals perhaps not so much. They live more by instinct. Therein lies their content, if not their happiness.
At times we do anything to escape our capricious thoughts. We consume positivity, like reading the Bible, to put our thoughts on the right train tracks. We watch soaps and sport on TV so as to distract any worries and doubts. Trying to help ourselves, we also get drunk and stoned. Moreso, we kiss others, touch and fondle, watch porn, and otherwise have sex so as to get rid of thoughts for a while, so as to shut them out entirely. And many cannot sleep because their thoughts won’t let them. There is great bliss in not having to think.
That is why meditation and sex are so refreshing. Our internals get a reboot, the mental or emotional trashcan gets emptied, and we may start with a clean slate for another day.
Without either prayer or sex, our thoughts will drive us crazy. Having babies helps a bit as they force continuous attention away from the pity of ourselves.
Is that why having ‘fallen in love’ or ‘being in love’ is of no worry to the afflicted? Their attention is focused on the other, away from thoughts regarding themselves — at least for now.

Who are the happiest people, the brainy contemplators or the loving fools? Perhaps neither. Is it the child? The first thought of a child, now afflicted with intentionality, seems to be the end of its innocence.
On the other hand, what would there be for us humans without thoughts? We would not be, we could not be. Would there be love at all, could there be? The human condition is not a child’s play.